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Seven Habits of Highly Effective Steiner Graduates With Andrew Hill, CEO of Steiner Education Australia
‘ You require a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way… you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.’ Aristotle.
After researching the lives and work of a range of very successful people, Professor Stephen Covey identified seven practices that they all had in common. His book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People has been a foundation text in university management schools ever since.
Our education lays down habits of living and learning that are intended to be lifelong. There are many healthy and uplifting practices our students do almost every day, and they can become lifelong habits that provide a grounded foundation for life. Of the many this talk will introduce and discuss seven habits of highly effective Steiner school graduates.
Andrew is a regular presenter on Steiner Education in Australia and internationally. He is passionate in sharing his knowledge with teachers, parents, and communities.
Discover this one-hundred-year-old legacy, and how The Alice Springs Steiner School inspires students to take their place in the world in a meaningful way for humanity.
BIO: Andrew Hill, CEO Steiner Education Australia
Andrew Hill trained in Anthropology at the University of Sydney. He lived for a year in the rainforest completing a study of the culture of one of the First Nations people of Malaysia, is fluent in their language, and has maintained a lifelong connection with his adopted family.
He taught Behavioural Science in Medicine at the Universities of Sydney and Newcastle before becoming a Steiner teacher. He was involved in founding and establishing the first ten years of the Newcastle Waldorf School where he took his first Class Teacher cycle.
At Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Sydney he took two more class teacher cycles, and taught high school up to Year 12. He was Collegiate Chair and Head of School at Glenaeon for 14 years, where he was closely involved in guiding the renewal of Australia's first Steiner school, which included leading community consultations that wrote three Strategic Plans.
He is a regular presenter on Steiner education at schools and conferences in Australia and internationally, and has been involved in teacher training for many years at the January Class Teacher intensives as well as in Waldorf schools in South East Asia. He joined the Anthroposophical Society at the age of 21.
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