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The Alice Springs Steiner School is owned and governed by The Alice Springs Steiner Association (TASSA). TASSA is managed by a governing body consisting of volunteers (parents, carers, and friends of the school) who are full members of the Association.

The role of the Governing Body is to ensure the school’s good governance and oversee the employment and performance of the Principal. In turn, the Governing Body delegates responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the school to the Principal. The Governing Body is also responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school, which is done in collaboration with the Principal and the College of Teachers. The current Strategic Plan covers the period from 2023 to 2026.

The educational direction of the school is determined by the Principal, working closely with the College of Teachers. An Educational Master Plan is developed every two years through a collaborative process, ensuring resources are allocated wisely and that delivering quality educational outcomes for the children remains the highest priority. The school is also supported by non-teaching staff who manage the garden and grounds, the office, and the business and finances.

TASSA membership is free for all parents and carers of children attending the school, and all are encouraged to join. Friends of the school may also join for an annual fee of $20. Membership nominations are then approved by the TASSA Governing Body.

School Board 2023

David Sweeney


Megan Hatton

Teacher Representative

Dina Fieck


Peter Taylor


Daisy Weller
