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Inspiring Futures: TASSS Strategic Plan 2027

Inspiring Futures: TASSS Strategic Plan 2027


The Alice Springs Steiner School (the School) was established in 1996. Based first in Araluen, it subsequently moved to its current site on Ragonesi Rd and since that time has continually invested in operational staff and support facilities, physical site infrastructure, professional training and development and mentoring, operating policies, procedures and governance and organisational structures.

The School is managed by the Alice Springs Steiner Association Incorporated (TASSA). The School is a registered educational establishment with a Governing Body constituted of Members of the Association which oversees the School’s operations. The School has a Principal and Business Manager who manage the day-to-day operations of the School and report to the Governing Body.

Since its establishment, the School has gradually grown and expanded. Under the previous Strategic Plan, the School committed to expanding the Pre-school and Primary School with the addition of a High School to year 12. In the latter part of the Strategic Plan period the school faced several challenges including challenges due to COVID-19 and a deteriorating financial position. This impacted on the delivery of the High School, with key focus on consolidation of the existing School.

As of late 2022 the school has seen a recovery in enrolments, and at this time employed teachers 15 and 5 administrative staff servicing 30 enrolled children in Pre-school and 160 children from Transition to year 8. At the commencement of this plan the School is regaining a healthy financial position to facilitate expansion and has retained substantial intellectual assets.

The 2027 Strategic Plan outlines the plan for the School for the coming four-year period and replaces the previous plan developed in 2016, which expired at the end of 2022. A shorter four-year horizon has been adopted to respond to the rapidly changing educational environment in Alice Springs, while aligning with the School’s business plans which are developed every two years. Reviews of the strategic plan will be undertaken by the Governing Body alongside the development of each Business Plan.

The 2027 Strategic Plan was developed through an inclusive participatory planning process. Extensive thought and energy have gone into the preparation of this strategy, with the process lasting several months. Consultation and involvement took place with staff, teachers, board members, parents, and volunteers. The process included an accomplishment review of the previous strategic plan, a whole-of-staff strategic planning workshop, a parent and carer questionnaire, 1-1 interviews, group discussions and anecdotal feedback. A summary of the process is provided in the appendices to this document.


Identity of the School


A world class Steiner School in the heart of Australia.


To develop and maintain a successful school based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner.


The Alice Springs Steiner School celebrates and cares for our children, our community, and our place; we do so with integrity, and we do so sustainably.

Strategic Objectives

The following summarises the five key organisational objectives and associated goals the School has identified for the coming four years:

1. To provide a well-resourced and supported school with the infrastructure and capability to deliver a world class Steiner Education.

a) Further develop the resources of the School to ensure all staff are adequately supported in their professional development.

b) Further develop the School’s capacity to deliver a holistic curriculum and support the delivery of this curriculum, inclusive of providing adequate learning support.

c) If financially viable, implement formal coordinator positions for early childhood, primary and middle school sections.

d) Continue to maintain and improve the standard of infrastructure and grounds in the early childhood and primary school.

2. To better share and promote understanding of the benefits of our school.

a) To broaden understanding of the benefits of a Steiner education with the parent body and Alice Springs community by continuing implementation and revision of the Communications Plan and Marketing Strategy.

3. To further develop the school to embrace the First Nations’ culture and understanding of local Mparntwe history and culture.

a) Build partnerships within the broader community and other schools to facilitate better understanding of Arrernte culture.

b) Develop a position for a liaison/cultural/curriculum person.

c) Provide opportunities for learning for staff and wider Steiner community.

4. To further develop the school’s capacity to better reflect the diversity of our broader community and the environment in which we live.

a) Provide opportunities for students to learn about the culture of newly arrived Australians living in Alice Springs.

b) Provide opportunity to celebrate festivals from other cultures by inviting new Australians into our school.

5. To continue the expansion of the middle school.

a) Review and revision of the school Master Plan and secondary school feasibility study to determine currency and suitability to support further expansion of the School.

b) Delivery of a Year 9 class within the Strategic Plan period.

c) Delivery of dedicated infrastructure for Years 7, 8 and 9 on the existing school site within the Strategic Plan period.


This plan has been formally approved and adopted by the Governing Body and will be monitored for effectiveness of delivery and currency within the school’s operating environment on a regular basis. It will be reviewed concurrently with the school’s biannual business planning cycle.

David Sweeney
Chair, The Alice Springs Steiner School Association