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The Arts

The Arts

At The Alice Springs Steiner School, all students engage in a rich aesthetic curriculum that encompasses drawing, painting, craft, music, and drama.


Music education at TASSS is not just a subject but a deeply integrated part of the school’s pedagogy, reflecting Steiner education's holistic approach. Our music program, cultivated over many years, is central to the life of the school and its connection to the broader community. Music, a universal language and creative discipline, serves as a profound medium for exploring and understanding complex concepts in mathematics, geometry, science, and the arts.

Simultaneously, it nurtures self-expression, self-discipline, coordination, and emotional, social, and personal growth. Through music, we support the development of thinking, feeling, and willing—the threefold nature of the human being that is central to Steiner education. Extensive research has highlighted the far-reaching benefits of music for brain development, underscoring its fundamental role in educating the whole child.

Class Music Program

Our journey with music begins in Preschool, where singing and body percussion are woven into stories, activities, nature, and play. The human voice, as the most immediate and expressive instrument, is nurtured from these early years and continues to be a vital part of the curriculum through Class 9.

In Classes 1 and 2, students are introduced to the recorder, an instrument that extends the use of fingers and breath, fostering fine motor skills and breath control. By Class 3, students engage with the violin, viola, or cello, instruments that become extensions of their physical being. These string instruments not only enhance motor coordination by crossing the body’s midline with the bow but also cultivate heart forces and aural sensitivity.

In Class 4, many students continue with their chosen string instruments, while some explore the Marimba, engaging in a new form of musical expression. Ensemble work in Classes 3 and 4 involves the whole class, promoting teamwork, listening skills, and a collective musical experience.

Specialised Ensemble Program & Instrumental Lessons

The specialized ensemble program begins in Class 5, where students deepen their musical knowledge and skills. By Class 6, they have the opportunity to choose additional instruments, including the guitar. As they progress to Classes 7, 8, and 9, further options such as drums and vocal training are introduced. These students regularly perform at school festivals and other events, showcasing their talents and the skills they have developed.

The music education at TASSS is characterized by a deep level of care and dedication, extending beyond individual instrumental lessons. The relationships between students, music teachers, and the broader teaching and music community are integral to the program. Through ensemble sessions and various musical interactions, students experience the profound impact of music on their lives, both within the school and in the wider world.


At TASSS, Drama is woven through the curriculum in both primary and middle School, enriching the learning experience across all year levels. In Class 1, students engage with simple plays, gradually progressing to more elaborate productions in Class 7 and 8. Drama offers students a deeper engagement with their learning, allowing them to explore diverse perspectives, develop confidence, and experience collective success.

A class play, performed annually, provides a unique opportunity for students to internalise and express the stories shared by their teachers. In Primary School, students are encouraged to explore various storytelling techniques within a richly imaginative landscape of music, props, costumes, and lighting. Additionally, regular opportunities to watch others perform teach students the importance of being respectful, attentive audience members who appreciate and celebrate the creativity of their peers, both younger and older.

Fine Arts

In early childhood and primary school students partake in daily activities in craft, drawing and painting, alongside singing and instrumental music instruction. In middle school students participate in specialist lessons for art activities that include drawing, painting, carving and sculpture. This strong emphasis on creativity is deeply rooted in Steiner education principles, fostering the development of creative thinking, self-expression, and the capacity for flexible, imaginative thought. By engaging in these artistic disciplines, students cultivate a harmonious balance between intellectual, emotional, and artistic growth, nurturing their whole being.

A great emphasis in Steiner schools is placed on students creating and learning with their hands. Through craft certain qualities can be developed, such as perseverance and determination, concentration, an eye for beauty, colour and design, fine motor skills and particular technical skills.

Handwork lessons are more than a means of promoting dexterity and skill. Handwork is an essential element for the harmonious development of the student. Such work challenges them to grow in direct and powerful ways. Rudolf Steiner was very particular about this. He saw the danger of the modern student losing the skill and confidence of making something “with their own hands” and he observed in traditional cultures a vital ingredient for a healthy education. Through handwork the child’s thinking, feeling and will develop in a healthy way.