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Steiner Education
We offer a human-centred education that aims to nurture the whole child: head, heart, and hands. Our Steiner curriculum is based on developmental psychology theories that focus on human growth and learning.
These theories are foundational and widely referenced in modern education today. The Steiner curriculum is unique in its humanistic approach, with the arts and physical movement complementing the academic subjects in each of our programs. A standout feature of our school is our Music and Outdoor Education programs, which provide invaluable enrichment to the students' learning experience.
Our students are inventive thinkers and resilient individuals who develop a deep appreciation for the world they wish to be a part of. We follow the Steiner Education Australia Curriculum Framework, which is recognised by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
The Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework was developed from Steiner’s principles to support schools and teachers in mapping the mandatory content, knowledge, and skills of the Australian Curriculum within a Steiner-rich context.
The framework includes Content Descriptors for each subject, which are mandatory for implementation. However, the written Content Elaborations offer diverse examples, allowing teachers the flexibility to create varied learning experiences tailored to their students.
As with the Australian Curriculum, teachers are guided by professional judgment when implementing the curriculum. This may result in variations, such as adjusting the timing of content delivery by a year before or after the designated stage, depending on the needs of the cohort (Steiner Education Australia, 2022).